One of the principles of sensory integration theory is that sensory play is an active and child directed experience. By visiting Sensory Beans, children are provided with an opportunity for developmental growth and to learn about their world in a self directed experience. We are able to make sense of our world and develop based on the sensory information our bodies take in from our surroundings. In addition to the sense of touch, taste, sound, smell and sight, we also take in information about movement and balance and joint and muscle position. The combination of sensations that children take in from the world around them lead to their development and acquisition of motor skills. The equipment found at Sensory Beans, Inc. will be for children of all abilities to seek out organizing vestibular, proprioceptive and tactile input in a safe and friendly environment. Here is a review of these 3 targeted senses:

The Vestibular System:
Tells children that they are in motion, what direction that motion is in and how fast it is occurring. Vestibular input can be used either to provide a calming effect or can be highly alerting depending upon the direction, intensity, and speed. Any equipment your child uses that involves movement will provide vestibular input. Examples are:all types of swings, slides, bouncing and scooters.

The Proprioceptive System:
Tells children what their muscles and joints are doing and allows them to grade the amount of force necessary for a motor task. Receiving proprioceptive input can be very calming and organizing. Pushing and pulling, climbing and jumping are examples of activities that provide proprioceptive input. Equipment that provides proprioceptive input include: trampolines, bouncers, monkey bars, ropes and ladders.

The Tactile Sense:
Tells children about touch and specifically about temperature, light and deep touch, texture, vibration and pain. Equipment that provides tactile input include: ball pits, moulding clay and sand and water tables.